Ukrainian refugee information
This information is aimed at those who have moved from Ukraine to Åstorp municipality. On this page, you will find useful information that can help you feel safe and get settled.
Information in other languages for Ukrainian refugees
- Information in english - the Swedish Migration Agency , 121.3 kB. Länk till annan webbplats.
- Information in ukrainian - the Swedish Migration Agency , 226.4 kB. Länk till annan webbplats.
Frequently asked questions about the situation in Ukraine:
Here you can find frequently asked questions about the situation in Ukraine and the temporary protection directive.
Information from the Swedish Tax Agency:
Many medcial products in Sweden can't be purchased without a valid prescription from the health services. Pharmacists in Swedish pharmacies are not permitted to issue or renew any type of prescription. If you need to get a new prescription in Sweden, go to the healthcare services. If you call the telephone number 1177, you will receive healthcare advice from a nurse and information on where you can go to receive care.
The emergency number 112 is used in emergencies when there is a danger to life, property or the environment. An emergency situation is when you require urgent assistance from paramedics, emergency services, police, air/sea/mountain rescue services, priests on duty or information about poisoning. All of our SOS operators speak English and are able to conduct the conversation in English. If an interpreter is necessary, a third person will be connected to the call.
Many want to help you who are fleeing the war in Ukraine. But there may be people who do not have honest intentions. The Swedish Gender Equality Authority has listed things you should think about before accepting help from people you do not know, as well as information on what you can do if you are exposed to pressure, coercion or violence.
Refugees from Ukraine do not need a ticket to travel with Skånetrafiken.
Travel by bus
Travel by train
Storgatan 7, 265 34 Åstorp
Storgatan 7, 265 80 Åstorp